The Hospital Trip | Teen Ink

The Hospital Trip

October 22, 2018
By Boston2004 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Boston2004 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   It was right at the end of 5th grade I was flattened! For almost three weeks I was so sick I wanted to curl up into a ball and die! However, the pain in my stomach was so excruciating that I couldn’t curl up into a ball even though I felt like it.

        I had a virus in my stomach called Mesenteric Adenitis, this condition is caused when the lymph nodes in your stomach swell up and create stabbing, excruciating pain.

        My stomach felt like someone was stabbing it with knives. It all began when I stepped out of the shower.  A sharp pain shot out from my lower right side of my stomach. All I could do was stumble to my mom’s bed and collapse, I had never felt anything like it.

        The next morning I woke up and the constant pain was still there. At that point, my mom discovered me shivering with cold and a raging fever.  In a voice shaking with concern, Mom said, “It is time to go to urgent care.”

         So we did when I took my first step in the urgent care I realized it was cold in the urgent care room so my mom, ran out to the car to get a jacket from the car and when she got back they called my name so I went in the back of the urgent care. The doctor did an ultrasound on my stomach and said that I might have subclinical appendicitis.  So the doctor sent me to the E.R. at Eisenhower.

         My mom and I drove to the E.R. and it was so cold, so the doctors got me a beautiful warm blanket, it took about half an hour and then they took me to the back and the nurse laid me down on the hospital bed and she drew my blood.  After the doctors went over my blood, they came in and told me that my white blood cell count is high. They said not to worry because my stomach is fighting a virus. I and my mom were laying down when the doctor walked in and told me that I was going to get an ultrasound on my stomach.

         So they rolled me down the hallway in the bed into a room for the ultrasound.  The doctors plopped on some gooey cold stuff that helps them see through my stomach with a special tool and it tickled, but the worst part is that they had to push down on my stomach and it hurt so much it was incredible.  The smell was horrible and it made my nose hurt which made me dislike the ultrasound even more. I wanted to punch the doctor so hard and after what felt like hours of pain it finally stopped.

          The doctors rolled me back to the hospital room on the hospital bed and as I got there the first thing I saw was my grandpa in my room and I had no idea he was coming to my mom probably told him to come.  He asked me all those questions that I've already heard a million times. Like how are you feeling and on a scale of 1 to 10 how severe is your pain?

          I had a T.V. in my hospital room so I was watching sports center about football and talking about who we showed pick on our fantasy team.  Then the doctor walked in and told me that they still couldn’t read my stomach and see if I have appendicitis or Mesenteric Adenitis because they both look the same so they need a closer look inside my stomach so took me to a C.A.T. scanner.

           When we got to the room my mom couldn’t go in the room because of the radiation so the doctor closed the door and worryingly said “let's hope nothing is wrong with you” and I just laid down on the C.A.T. scanner and for about 5 min.  Finally, it was over and we went back to my room. About 30 minutes later and the doctor walked in and said joyfully, “Good news you don’t have appendicitis but… you have Mesenteric adenitis which is pretty much your stomach is swollen and you have severe constipation.  So the doctor gave me medicine to fix that. Within a week I was feeling better and up and running. That just shows what you put in your body can affect your body.

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